
FISC_Web (31)

System Technology

FISC offers the latest in state-of-the-art data processing technology along with check imaging services, document management and internet banking. This allows the member banks to offer advanced services to their customers which may otherwise prove to be cost prohibitive for the community bank to offer on a stand-alone basis. FISC currently provides data processing for member banks utilizing the FIS’s HORIZON XE software package. Item processing is performed utilizing FIS’s Image Centre check imaging product. Internet Banking is provided utilizing FIS, FundsXpress, and Postilion products. Document management is obtained utilizing FIS’ FCM (FIS Content Management).

On-Line Technology and Access

The data processing systems utilized by FISC provide on-line processing which can be tailored to meet the specific needs of each user institution. This allows each bank to be in full control of the data processing software and parameter settings, just as if it was an in-house system, but without the headaches of being in the data processing business. Each bank has on-line access to its information via high-speed data circuits.

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